Can you snort op 10 pill

How can you crush Oxycontin op - The Q&A.
Can You Snort Sleeping Pills Drugs You Can Snort
04.03.2011 · he is right on the money about this topic , if you thought they are addictive when taken normally (oral).. you got a whole new thing coming if you want to

Can you snort op 10 pill
Can You -
1st. Get pill 2nd. grab pill and put in a pipe such as a glass or metal tabbacco pipe . Next fill the pipe up with tabbacco ashes then chop with razer blade the pill
How To Snort New Op Oxycodone Question: How to snort new op oxycontin? Anyone who says the microwave method dosent is WRONG. I have seen it done I know it works.
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Can you snort op 10 pill
Pill bei OTTOIt's the PRESSURE when you try to crush the pill that turns it into that gel/gooey stuff. All you have to do is use a microplane grater on any OP. The pill grates
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can you snort immediate release oxycodone.