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Grindr - Find gay, bi, curious guys for.
UPDATE: Grindr is Going Grindr Xtra only. The latest version of the Grindr Beta app is and it looks pretty solid so far. Of course, the app is in Beta and

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Apple, iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad and iTunes are trademarks of Apple Inc.,registered in the U.S. and other countries. BlackBerry is the property of Research In MotionApple, iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad and iTunes are trademarks of Apple Inc.,registered in the U.S. and other countries. BlackBerry is the property of Research In Motion
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Free grindr application for pc downloads - Collection of grindr application for pc freeware, shareware download - Turbo GPS, Vermilion Desktop Composer, MiniMeter
Grindr - Find gay, bi, curious guys for free near you with Grindr on the iPhone, Android and BlackBerry
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BlackBerry Help. All things BlackBerry & Grindr
Grindr is the essential location-based app to meet gay, bi and curious guys for dating, socializing and friendship. Using your BlackBerry® network or Wi-Fi signal
Grindr - Find gay, bi, curious guys for. .